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Articles in Category: Whole-House Audio – Southampton, NY

Listen to your favorite tunes anywhere in your Southampton, NY home with whole-house audio. Click here to find out even more about this smart solution!

Whole-House Audio: Music in Every Room

Multi-Room Music & 2-Channel Audio Brings the Tunes Right to the Homeowner!

Whole-House Audio: Music in Every Room

If you’re an interior designer, then you know that the quality of a home audio system will impact how a homeowner experiences their home as a whole. Music can complement and even improve nearly every situation at home, from everyday tasks and routines to social events and gatherings.

So, how can you ensure high-end sound reaches every room in a property? Whole-house audio is the solution. At just the press of a button, any and every speaker can come alive and play tunes throughout the whole living space – absolutely transforming the house’s atmosphere.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the various high-fidelity speakers that make up an extensive whole-house audio setup – and show you how to bring this customized soundscape to your Southampton, NY clients for the ultimate auditory experience.


8 West 38th Street
6th Floor
New York, NY 10018
(212) 997-1110

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Building 3-2
Water Mill, NY 11976
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