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Integrate Innovative Solutions with your Lighting Control System

How Smart Lighting Elevates Every Area of Your Home

Integrate Innovative Solutions with your Lighting Control System

Lighting design has a powerful impact on the ambiance of your Southampton, NY, home. With one tap of a button, various lighting fixtures can illuminate the best of your living spaces. But lighting control systems do not stand alone in your home; they integrate effortlessly with the rest of your automated solutions and technologies.

In this blog, we’ll dive into how to pair your lighting system perfectly with other smart automation solutions and setups – and how each best serves you and your family. Want to find out more? Keep reading on below.

SEE ALSO: Set the Scene with Your Lighting Control System

Motorized Shades & Lighting: The Perfect Duo

There might not be a more popular paired setup than motorized window treatments and lighting control. These two smart solutions go so well together that you only experience half their potential if you have one without the other.

During the day, you can enjoy much-needed natural sunlight by simply pressing a button or letting photosensors detect the perfect time to have your motorized shades rise and let the warm light spill in. Bask in its gentle glow as you go about the day, work from your home office, or enjoy a meal. Once the sun rays get a bit too harsh, you can adjust the shading levels yourself or have your sensors once again tell your shades to lower completely.

With your lighting control working together with your shades, your lighting fixtures slowly adjust and brighten to accommodate the loss of natural light as soon as the shades are lowered. Depending on the position of your shades and how much sunlight they’re letting in, your smart lighting can always respond accordingly to keep your home as illuminated as you prefer.

Climate Control: Set the Scene

Coming home from a day at work or even after a trip, you want to return to a home that’s welcoming and ready for relaxation. A climate control system lets you set your smart thermostat at the desired temperature just before you arrive home. This way, you’re saving energy by not constantly cooling down or heating up your home while you and your family are not there. This same setup can apply to your lighting as well.

Ensure every lighting fixture is shut off while you’re away – or program a smart security “scene” to keep your lighting operating at intervals throughout the day to fool intruders into thinking your house is occupied. Then, as you’re on your way home, you can have your smart thermostat adjust to a comfortable temperature and your lights turn on in the foyer, kitchen, and elsewhere to welcome you back to a cozy, inviting setup. You’ll instantly relax and maybe even delay unpacking further as you settle back into your home.

Landscape Lighting: Extend Your Smart Home’s Reach

Lighting control doesn’t have to stay limited to your home’s interiors. Landscape lighting provides enhanced security, a lively atmosphere for outdoor activities, and even helps you navigate where you’re going as you arrive home after sunset.

Installed fixtures along pathways make for easy access to your estate even while it’s well into the evening, just as more design-centric ones can elevate your backyard’s décor and setup. Lighting is, of course, not the only smart solution that improves your outdoor areas.

Landscape lighting lets you enjoy family movie nights and whole-home audio out on your patio with automated fixtures that gradually brighten as the sun begins to set. You won’t have to worry about turning them off once you go to bed either – the same fixtures will slowly dim and turn off as the sun rises in the morning as well.

Want to learn more about how your lighting control system gives every component and setup throughout your smart home a major boost? Reach out to our team at Electronic Environments with a call or by filling out our online contact form here. We look forward to hearing from you!

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